Virtues are the essence of our character and when we keep the practice of virtues at the heart of everyday life, we live with purpose. . A morally excellent person has a character made-up of virtues valued as good. He or she is honest, respectful, courageous, forgiving,kind and understanding. In phychology a virtue is defined as a trait or quality which has positive meanings within a specific culture and which is thought to be advantageous to psychological wellbeing.
Having this in mind and knowing how today´s society works and jumps from one thing onto the next nonstop, having no mercy, empathy for others, pretending to care just for likes on a post online and making every social issue or injustice just a tren don social media in my humble opinión I truly think what people´s character traits must be in order to be leaders who can guide others into new habits and paths for  to people become literaly more human and  see the world through somebody else´s eyes are the following:
Each one of these unfolds virtues that vibrate higher than any synthomp of anger, revenge or ego.
Singnals of a “good character” most of the time are authenticity, persistence, kindness, gratitude, hope, humor, and so on.
Virtude of Wisdom and Knowledge: Everything involving this virtude exhales creativity, passion,curiousity about the unknow,(love for learning) open mindedness and with these comes flexibility.I strongly believe that wisdom does not comes with age but with exposure and experinces.

Virtue of Courage: Strength to accmplish everything we put into our minds,capacity to face ears, and undeniable drive to pursuit what we believe in.It takes bravery,persistence, integrity,vitality. : The braver and more persistent we become, the more our integrity will increase because we will reach a state of feeling vital; this will result in being more courageous in character.
Virtue of Humanity: Humanity is portraited as understanding and kindness toward other people and all the people in the world as a whole, or the qualities characteristic of people; either ways its own definition shows u show to act and behave in other to have healthy useful relationships.
Developing a strong sense of humanity includes caring and befriending others ignoring our differences and acknowing that at the end of the day we are all the same. It creates  pure feelings of love, kindness, social intelligence.But most important our practices of humanity must come from a true purpuse that is helping others instead from ego.
Virtue of Justice: As a quiality someone who is morally correct and fair,with this virtue comes by hand the qualities of being n active citizen, socially responsible, loyal, and a team member,Fairness,leadership with I mention before is key for making the earth a greather place to live in.
Virtue of Temperance: Which is simply the moderation in action, thought, or feeling that may help us along tour life´s journey to find balance in each area that conforms it. Balance and intention are crucial for finding purpuse.
Everything is ruled by the law of polarity:forgiveness and mercy,humility and modesty,prudence,self-Regulation and Self-control.Being  humble, prudent, and under control of your behaviors and instincts will prevent you from being arrogant, selfish, or any other trait that is excessive.
Virtue of Transcendence: In philosophy, climbing or going beyond, albeit with varying connotations in its different historical and cultural stages.Which in simpler words is the ability to going trough stages collecting experiences and teachings ans leaving behind missleading habits.
This virtue includes those that forge connections to the larger universe and provide meaning: Appreciation of beauty and excellence(in all its forms ),gratitude,Hope,Humor and playfulness, Spirituality, or a sense of purpose.
Last but no least I want to make clear that al lis a work in progresss and most of us have not develop many of these characteristics and virtues ompletly which is totally fine and makes us realice if we all unite in order to change our current reality the world may change for good.


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