BIOGRAFY: who i admire the most?

My dad Wilson Guzman was born in Bogota,Colombia on January 24th, 1977, first child of Juvenal Guzman a security guard  and Ana Celia Molano a cleaning lady from Úbate and Carmen de Carupa .He was raised along his brother Juan Manuel in the South side of the city.Wilson studied at "Colegio Parroquial San Andres" from 1st to 11th grade graduating at 16 years old.At 10th grade he met my mom Lyne Barajas who failed last year and now they were classmates.

While studying at SENA he started dating my mom and had a half time job providing for his family.His mom started battling with diabetes and couldn´t work that much,many other family issues surrounded their family.At that time his father Juvenal had a business downstairs which financialy help them.Ana´s heatlh had many ups and downs over the years.

Later his brother graduated and both staudied and SENA while their mother worked there cleaning restrooms and classrooms.
After that Wilson got in Inca University for a Insdustrial Engineer major to reforce his previous electrity tittle earned at SENA.While cursing his major and he entered at RCN televison as a Electrician.
After 8 years Wilson and Lyne were amazed by the annoucement they were going to be parents of their first child (me), both sides of this new family were full of joy expecting for a new mwmber to come.
After a very complicated 6 months pregancy they gave birth to Nicolle Guzman on Febraury 17th 2001, by that time he signed a contract with Exxon Mobil as a contractor,Wilson and Lyne got married December that year.
After iving together for 4 years, the family had to move to Cartagena due to his contract but now working as a engineer and head of the company in Bolivar , leaving all behind starting over again.After 2 years they had their second child Sofia Guzman and left 3 moths later moving to Cartago,Valle staring new experiences and laboral experiences.Both sisters studied in Pereria,but still lived in Cartago.
Then by 3 and a half years they left and moved to Cali,Valle once again were each member of the family felt more comfortable in,they made great memories and frends with the same paths due to work,families who knew from within what they had went trought.
Being away for his family now being uncle of two but also knowing it depended on him taking care of three.
Then in june 2014 one  more time they moved to Barranquilla,Colombia in after only just one week for finding a decent home.In barranquilla many things afected their home but Wilson kept fighting for get ahead his family just like his parents had taught him.
Nowdays he still lives in Barranquilla working for three companies as a engenieer and securitie boss and operattions.Also studies a master on buissness administration on environmental engineering.

What inspires me the most about my dad is that he belives in education and puts his loved ones as a priority without forgetting himself, pursuing self growing and steping out of his comfort zone everytime,he has his feet on the ground and has a very kind heart knowng were he came from and i am proud of being his daughter and joined him along the way.


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