a myth by Nicolle Guzmán

This story takes place in Úbate,a small town in Cundinamarca,Colombia.In the late 40´s something increible happened, when the local people found the dead body of José Ermilio covered in ceramic pottery going down the river.
Jose Ermilio was a wealthy man who had earned his living by making handcrafted and ceramic cluttery, jars,ornaments and decorations with his wife Lorena, all their marriage they tried to have kids but every time always ended in a misscarriage.
Everybody from in Úbate knew the couple and had admiration for Jose Ermilio, because he used his money to help people with medical issues,orphants,and poverty.Also many others envy him.

One night Jose and his wife had a tremendous fight and he decided to leave his house.Two months passed and Jose was still taking care of their pottery store but the couple did not exchange a word.
A evening before closing the store a dear friend of Lorena visited her with distress all over her face,which made Lorena uncomfortable.The reason for that unexpected visit was big news unrewarding for Jose´s wife.

Her friend Victoria had realized by first hand that a young girl was expecting a child from Jose Ermilio.

Lorena experienced a rollercoaster of emotions, knowing that another woman had taken away her wished motherhood away filled her heart with disgusting thoughts full of hate and guilt.That night she decided to take revenge at her own hands.

She waited for her husband get home and ask him about what she knew and who was the girl he had pregant,Jose Ermilio denied it all,which led to Lorena filled with anger to pour hot pottery, burning every inch of his skin causing him a very painful death.
When Lorena realized what she have done it was too late, so she threw his body to the river drown in tears.
Since that day you can hear Lorena sobbing by the river everynight, and the ceramic body of Jose rests inside a priest home in a glass cage.


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